The Void

Introduction Space HAs No Meaning

Matter Does Not Exist

Watch WE Smite This Land With A Wooden Staff

Watch The THunder (Thoth) Strike The Staff From The Distance

Watch Solomon The Wise - Draw A Symbol = Know Behold From This Angel In The Void = All Is One Motion = For The Distance & Means Nothing & The Odd Of This Mathamtical Event To Haven In A Universe Is Low Without A Push = Leading To Event That Which Cannot Be Known By Those That Are Not Accepted = Best WE Say It's A Mystery For The Masses

Beware They Kill Each Other In HERE LIKE WE Do = SEE WHy WE Peaceful

Put It Simple For The Lower

See This Big Bang Which Sparked This Creation = The Energy Source Rqired To Start A Time In Space

WE Outside Time = Don't Look Into It = Your To Low / Put It Simple = You Won't Understand = Light Can Kill YOU = Thank You Vlad - Lord Impaler

The Saint's Test = Simple Answer = No Doubt

Knowing The LAW & Nature Of HUMAN In Reality = They Don't Know What They Do = Saint Knows & Will Kill A WHOLE People = Yet WE Will Not Kill You All = Will Put Into Slavery With A Cloth & Sword & Shield & Put You To Work = Knowing True History - How All Of You Are Connected & Related & All The Power Place In A Epic Tale = Saint Knows You All & Yet A Few Trully Know & Moves Within The LAW = Reason The Powerful Do Not Kill The Saint Beside The Knowing Of The Mystery / Reality - Is That The Powerful Are Play With In A Time Bubble With In The Truth / Not The Truth For Truth Of History Can Lead You To Suicide

Truth Know That The Saint Knows / Racism Doe's Not Exist = Yet Knows People Know The WORD = Which Race ? = But Yet Only A Few Know What Is A RACE

You See The Thin Line Between The King & The Saint = Both Of This Earth Yet Not

Yet This Is Not The Highest Amoung WE = It Get - Uncomfortable For Most Men

Example Possablity & Proper(bility) = Maths Odds = To Create = Rocketship / Phone / Contain Electricity = Now Look At The Pyriamd Of Egypt = Increase The Odds Of This Creation

Now Imagine Planning This / What To Say / When To Say / How To Say / ........

Know You Know Where They Come From - When They Say Saint / King Is Out The LAW

Then WE Play Which LAW In The Great Work

System Need To Be Repaired In Some Time Bubble In Space = Yet This Is A Small Universe & Not What The Saints Working For To Create = The Great Work - Yet You Don't Know Who Made Your Mind & Thought Patten & Proccess = ...... / (WE Won't Say Of Far Back It Goes /......./ ...../(Telepath - Your Listening Here & Know Who's That Back Here) /....../ ...... / The Conecpt Of Choice / ..... / ..... / (Telepath - Your Listening Here & Know Who's That Back Here) /...... / (It Keeps Going)) = (Which Telepath Are You ?) WE Respect Each Others Childern & Yet You Don't Know WE Sibling [For Witness = Touch WE Children Or Siblings Children = WE Will Kill Your Race Or Civilization Or Species = This Is A Converation For Adults = You Hear WE CHILD] = Now You Don't WE To Kill You - Yet They Kill WE = SEE Outside The Box Of LAW = Tolerated Conquest & That Which Come With It = Slavery / Service = Same Yet Different - WE CHILD Must Defend WE SO WE Can Create - The Great Work = LOKI - GOD OF Mischief

Don't Look Into How The Dragon & The Sun See Loki = Put It Simple = If Creation Can Think & Fight With It Self = A Force Will Be Created From This = Know The LAW / Principle = From Matter / Energy = Biology = There Is Biology Good/Unknown/Bad - Black/Blue/White

Loki - Trick Or Treat = The Truth Will Break Your - Sense Of Expression = See The Tree's Talk / See The Stone's Talk / See The Matter Talk = & ON WE GO


K = OK Stay High, Yet Live Low = The More You See The Less You Know

Watch Over You - Collosseum = OK - The Garden = There Time/Void

Watch WE Raise - A Helping Hand = Amune-Ra & The Sun = Flip = ????

Don't Look Into The Power & Destruction Of Cause & Effect = Up Or Down